I’ve talked about Mozilla going big in learning quite a bit recently. Specifically, I’ve talked about making Mozilla the biggest, most innovative technology learning organization on the planet. I’ve also talked about the importance of doing this in a Mozilla-like way, with P2P pedagogy and strong focus on making. The question now is: how? More Making Mozilla big in learning
Friends, mentors and connected learning
Friendship is a powerful force for learning. Especially friendship built around a shared interest or passion. Space travel. Cooking. Technology. Gardening. Whatever. We tend to gather, explore, make, play — and learn — with friends who also share our passions. As people like Mimi Ito have shown with research: friendship and interests drive learning. More Friends, mentors and connected learning
Mozillians as inventors
Making is learning. Learning happens when we make. At least, this is the pattern we see when we look around Drumbeat. Projects explicitly about learning have put making things at their core. And, projects that started with making have added a big piece on learning. More Mozillians as inventors
Mozilla Launches Open Badges Project
Today we announced Mozilla’s Open Badge Infrastructure project, an effort to make it easy to issue and share digital learning badges across the web. More Mozilla Launches Open Badges Project
Mozilla as teacher
We need to teach the world to code. Not just future engineers and web developers (although this is essential). But also teachers, journalists, filmmakers, artists, scientists and curious kids. These are the people who make much of the web. They need to understand code. More Mozilla as teacher
Mozilla and the web makers
When I say ‘maker’, most people understand what I mean: a DIY ethic, a hankering to create. Often, makers are into robots and gadgets. Physical things. But the web is also filled with people who love to tinker, create and make. More Mozilla and the web makers
NextBeat: a generation of web makers
We started Drumbeat as an experiment to bring new people and new ideas into Mozilla. Some results from the first 18 months: 20,000 people signed up, dozens of new community leaders and solid core projects like Hackasaurus, School of Webcraft, Popcorn, MoJo and OpenBadges. More NextBeat: a generation of web makers
Stephanie Schipper joins Mozilla
I’m proud to announce that Stephanie Schipper will be joining Mozilla Foundation as VP, Web Strategy. At it’s most basic, Stephanie’s job is to make sure we are awesome on the web. More specifically, she is joining us to bake participation into everything we do online. More Stephanie Schipper joins Mozilla
Hacks and hackers meld minds
When I’m thinking poetically, I imagine MoJo as a massive hacks and hackers mind meld. Developers and journalists working together in a gritty, real-world, open-to-the-public lab. Answering each other’s silly questions. Playing together. And making news differently. More Hacks and hackers meld minds
Dan Sinker joins Mozilla as MoJo lead
I’m excited to announce that Dan Sinker will soon be joining us to lead the Knight Mozilla News Innovation Challenge (MoJo). MoJo is already kicking butt. It’s about to kick even more. More Dan Sinker joins Mozilla as MoJo lead