Psyched for iCommons education track

It’s great to finally be in Dubrovnik. I am ready for what promises to
be a great iSummit, including an amazing track specifically on open
source education
. Gunner’s most recent blurb on the track is …

There is a rich array of burgeoning and compelling creative commons communities. No matter what they focus on — music, science, visual art — these communities offer great promise but are hard to visualize and grab hold of. The idea with the track is that it gives us a chance to map and tease out a very promising movement — the movement for open source educational materials. The track is going to be made of people who are doing (or want to do) real open education experiments on the ground. They are going to tell stories and map out the community in fun and visual ways, and hopefully make some links (and some friends) that can drive their work forward.

I am going to be in the mix both as a Shuttleworth Foundation fellow talking about open ed movement building, and as someone who worked on the Training Commons project. Should be fun. Will report as it unfolds.

For people who are here in Dubrovnik: we really encourage you to come to this track, especially the opening circle and speedgeek on day one. It’ll be the most pre-6pm fun you’ll have all week.