Stewardship, networks … and listening.

Sitting in last week’s ‘learning from networks’ workshop at the Centre for Social Innovation, Jane said something like: “I know I am doing well when the people I work with come up with their own ideas for Santropol Roulant, and then run with them. That gets them smiling and energized.” Colette quickly jumped in: “What you are talking about is ‘agency’. You know your network or your community is working because people are doing things based on their own agency.” This little exchange was a huge gift. More Stewardship, networks … and listening.

The entire project is one of love

I had the chance to meet Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales over the past couple of days. Nice guy, humble and pretty wise. Sometimes the wisdom can sneak across the into online community building dogma. I guess you’re entitled if you helped become the most used encyclopedia in the world on almost no budget. And, of course, I’ve been caught spouting a lot of the same dogma over the years. More The entire project is one of love