Experiment: badges, identity and you

Figuring out who to pay attention to and who to work with is a big challenge in a community like Mozilla. Using the Whistler Science Fair as example, Les Orchard points out the underlying issue — we don’t have a quick way to parse through all the awesome to find out who’s good at what / who’s contributed what / who is doing things relevant to me. This is a common problem in online life overall. We don’t have an easy, portable and reliable way to represent our skills, achievements and social capital. More Experiment: badges, identity and you

Got a big idea? Moz + Shuttleworth fellowship

Today Mozilla Drumbeat and the Shuttleworth Foundation are announcing a joint fellowship focused on ‘education for the open web’. Our aim is to find someone with solid, scalable and fresh ideas on how open learning and the open web intertwine. Once we find this person, we will back them with a year’s salary, project funding and all the connections, horn-tooting, coaching and love that we can muster. More Got a big idea? Moz + Shuttleworth fellowship

Drumbeat idea: open web skills @ p2pu

Another Drumbeat bootstrap idea that’s getting traction is open web skills courses delivered via the Peer 2 Peer University. It’s a simple concept: people combine self organized, collaborative learning with open curriculum materials to improve their skills in areas like HTML, CSS and Javascript. Over time, a peer to peer certification system could emerge as well, with participants rating each others skill level. More Drumbeat idea: open web skills @ p2pu

Interview > Pascal Finette > MozLabs, Students and Open Innovation

In addition to working closely with colleges and universities, the current education pilot will also include a number online courses offered directly by Mozilla. Online courses give us a quick way to try out new ideas for learning content. They also offer an opportunity to reach out to anyone anywhere who wants to learn alongside Mozilla, college student or not. More Interview > Pascal Finette > MozLabs, Students and Open Innovation

Interview > Pascal Finette > MozLabs, Students and Open Innovation

In addition to working closely with colleges and universities, the current education pilot will also include a number online courses offered directly by Mozilla. Online courses give us a quick way to try out new ideas for learning content. They also offer an opportunity to reach out to anyone anywhere who wants to learn alongside Mozilla, college student or not. More Interview > Pascal Finette > MozLabs, Students and Open Innovation

Interview: Gregorio Robles from URJC in Madrid

Over the past few months, Pascal Chevrel has been introducing Gregorio Robles to the world of Mozilla. Gregorio is part of Libresoft.es — a unit of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid that offers a masters degree in free and open source software development. After some discussions and small add ons workshop, Gregorio and Pascal have agreed to develop a Mozilla development course that will run this coming summer. More Interview: Gregorio Robles from URJC in Madrid