Privacy and security have always mattered deeply for Mozilla. They are central to the health of the internet at both the individual and web-wide level. For this reason, pushing the envelope on privacy and security has been a core consideration in Mozilla software since early on. More NMM example #1: web health + security audit
Doodle: Next Million Mozillians framework
Earlier this week, I posted some updated thoughts about ‘the next million Mozillians’. My argument: Mozilla is in a better position than ever to invite millions more people to actively love, protect and steward the open web. Great sentiment, but how do you do it? More Doodle: Next Million Mozillians framework
Looping back: describing Mozilla, briefly
Early last month, I posted a number of blurbs describing Mozilla asking which blurb worked best. The plan was to get as many people as possible involved in improving the standard boilerplate text we use to describe Mozilla in press releases an the like. And, it worked. More Looping back: describing Mozilla, briefly
More thinking on the next million Mozillians
For a while now, I have had this feeling: we need to get millions more people to actively love, protect and steward the open web to keep it vibrant over the long haul. Mozilla is in a good position to make this happen. More More thinking on the next million Mozillians
Mozilla joins Open Source for America
Earlier today at OSCON, Tim O’Reilly announced the creation of Open Source for America — a loose, non-partisan coalition of organizations that will raise awareness about the huge potential for open source in government. The press release frames the big picture opportunity this way: More Mozilla joins Open Source for America
What’s up w/ MozFdn – July Update
Here is a brief status update that I shared at last week’s Mozilla Foundation board meeting. This report is based on team goals outlined here.
More What’s up w/ MozFdn – July Update
Phew! and more blogging soon
Phew! The last month or so has been both wonderful and crazy. Hybrid Summit. Open Video Conference. FISL in Brasil. A board meeting. A MozFdn team meeting. And next week OSCON. All in the course of about five weeks. More Phew! and more blogging soon
Open Video Conf Roundup
Wow! was the only word that can really sum up the Open Video Conference last weekend in New York City. It was an amazing confluence of people from the worlds of online video, art, free culture, open content and web technology. This is not a group that comes together often, but it turns out sparks fly when they do (in a good way). More Open Video Conf Roundup
Building an open video movement!
Prepping for the Open Video Conference, I’ve been thinking alot about the link between online video and the web. We love the web. We love it because it’s all about transparency, remixability, participation. It’s about creativity and innovation. It’s open. And it’s wonderful. More Building an open video movement!
Moz Service Week: give the gift of an open web
A year ago, I wrote a post entitled ‘The Next Million Mozillians‘. I have been obsessed with the question of how we create new ways for people to get involved in the Mozilla community ever since. I believe this kind of large scale community building is essential if we genuinely want to: More Moz Service Week: give the gift of an open web