Since I posted last, year one plans for Drumbeat have gotten even more solid. We’ve updated the way we’re describing Drumbeat and agreed on a set of initial goals. Also, a slate of ‘bootstrap projects’ is taking shape and early work on some of them has begun. Based on the updated year one plan I posted on the wiki last week, I’ve pulled out some highlights for people who are tracking Drumbeat but don’t want all the details. More Drumbeat: what will we do in year one?
What’s up w/ MozFdn – November Update
Here is a brief status update that I shared with the Mozilla Foundation board last week. This report is based on team goals outlined here. More What’s up w/ MozFdn – November Update
Could Mozillians help reinvent local news?
Recently, I noticed Knight Foundation and Sunlight Labs blogging together. The topic: rallying Sunlight developers to join the Knight’s efforts to reinvent local news for the internet era. And, in particular, to join the Knight News Challenge. More Could Mozillians help reinvent local news?
One Mozilla story, we’ve come a long way
One of my obsessions has been telling the Mozilla story better. The most important elements of this story centre around topics like: ‘why we exist’ and ‘what we’re building’. Yet, we sometimes get caught up in ‘how we’re structured’ — which tends to confuse more than clarify. More One Mozilla story, we’ve come a long way
Drumbeat: turning a corner
Over the last two weeks, Drumbeat has been turning a corner — from open discussion about what’s possible to focused discussion on what to do first. A number of people have approached me to say: “great, but I am confused by what’s decided and what’s still changing.” This post is an attempt to clarify. More Drumbeat: turning a corner
JetPack Learning: add-ons for better education
I am super excited to see Jet Pack for Learning launching today! It’s a mashup between two approaches: Mozilla Education (open source code as raw material for learning) and a Labs Design Challenge (open innovation to make the web better). The specific goal is to get people to write add-ons that demonstrate innovative ways to learn online. More JetPack Learning: add-ons for better education
Drumbeat: what kind of people, ideas and action?
As I posted on Friday, Mozilla Drumbeat will take its first steps by seeking out people, ideas and actions that make the web better. In many cases, people, ideas and actions that few people have heard of before. This is something we’ll need a massive amount of help with (partly the point). More Drumbeat: what kind of people, ideas and action?
Mozilla Education: lots going on
I saw Dave Humphrey for the first time in a while last week. It was amazing to hear how much is going on with Mozilla Education, which was really just a single course at Seneca this time last year. Some highlights from what Dave told me: More Mozilla Education: lots going on
Drumbeat: people, ideas, action = better web
After much discussion, we have made the decision to move ahead with Mozilla Drumbeat. The approach remains much as we’ve discussed all along — growing a community of people who explain, protect and improve the internet as a public resource. And doing this with a mix of online and on-the-ground efforts, plus a big Drumbeat Festival each year. More Drumbeat: people, ideas, action = better web
What is the open web? Two things, at least.
There have been bunch of Mozilla people asking the question ‘what is the open web?‘ of late. Atul, Jono and Mitchell all blogged about it a few weeks back. People at MozaCamp Europe drew pictures and wrote tag lines about it. Blizzard surveyed about it. Over 160+ people responded (snapshot in this wordle). More What is the open web? Two things, at least.