Drumbeat Roadmap: Build Projects, Make Noise

After reading Glyn Moody’s post yesterday, I realized I haven’t done a good enough job of explaining our Drumbeat roll out strategy. The basic idea: build up Drumbeat projects and events in the open and with a small community for a few months, and then make alot of noise once we’ve got great content in place. As Glyn said: fine strategy, but you need to tell people about it. So that’s what I am doing with this post. More Drumbeat Roadmap: Build Projects, Make Noise

A truly global drumbeat

At it’s simplest, Mozilla Drumbeat is about everyday internet users using technology to make and do things that will keep the web open for the long haul. Diversity will be a critical to this. Drumbeat needs to engage the huge diversity of people who use the web in their work and play. Teachers. Artists. Lawyers. Filmmakers. Children. Everyone. It also needs to reflect — and be shaped by — the diversity of cultures that make up the web. Drumbeat needs to be truly global right from the start. More A truly global drumbeat