The last six weeks have been busy for Drumbeat — getting ourselves ready to make some louder noise. With our top projects more solid and a better version of the web site almost ready for release, we’re almost there. The plan is to start beating the drum louder at the end of May. We will need your help. Here are the details… More May Mozilla Drumbeat Update
Got a big idea? Moz + Shuttleworth fellowship
Today Mozilla Drumbeat and the Shuttleworth Foundation are announcing a joint fellowship focused on ‘education for the open web’. Our aim is to find someone with solid, scalable and fresh ideas on how open learning and the open web intertwine. Once we find this person, we will back them with a year’s salary, project funding and all the connections, horn-tooting, coaching and love that we can muster. More Got a big idea? Moz + Shuttleworth fellowship
Drumbeat Toronto poster
We have a hot-off-the-digital-presses poster for Drumbeat Toronto, which is happening in a little over a week. Please post, share and hack this poster if you’re in Toronto (and make sure to register for the event as well). If you’re organizing a Drumbeat event elsewhere, feel free to rip off any or all of the bits from this poster. More Drumbeat Toronto poster
New Drumbeat blurb, needs feedback
This week I’ve been recrafting the basic messaging for Mozilla Drumbeat. What I’ve written is short and simple, without much detail. I believe this is what we need for people new to Drumbeat. More New Drumbeat blurb, needs feedback
Web Made Movies, a teaser
I’ve been meaning to blog about Web Made Movies for a while now. It’s one of the early Drumbeat projects I’m most excited about. One reason is the pitch: “A documentary about the future of the web, told by the people of the web.” But I’m also excited by the proposed partnership between filmmakers (submitting footage and episodes) and hackers (creating innovative HTML5 video interfaces). The idea is not only to create an online documentary series, but also invent an open source approach to cinema. More Web Made Movies, a teaser
Henrik Moltke joins Drumbeat team
I’m happy to announce that Henrik Moltke will be joining our Drumbeat team later this month (see his blog post). Working from Mozilla’s Paris office, Henrik’s first task is to identify a handful of top notch open web projects in Europe. In particular, he’ll be looking for projects that integrate open web technology with art, journalism and other areas that will bring new kinds of contributors into Mozilla and Drumbeat. More Henrik Moltke joins Drumbeat team
One Web Day + Drumbeat = Great!
I’m excited to announce that is joining forces with Mozilla Drumbeat. As Nathan blogged today, both organizations share a common cause: improving and protecting the open nature of the internet. We believe the best way to promote this cause is by working together. There will no longer be a single, centrally organized One Web Day in September. Instead, the focus will be on open web projects that take place year round under the Drumbeat umbrella. More One Web Day + Drumbeat = Great!
March Mozilla Drumbeat Update
Since my last update, we’ve launched a developer version of and held two community events. Also, two of our bootstrap projects have moved beyond planning into roll out — P2PU Open Web is running it’s first course and Web Made Movies has started shooting. As these things unfold, we need more contributors and supporters with a variety of skills — see help wanted list below. Here is the full March update. More March Mozilla Drumbeat Update
MozFdn March 2010 status update
As we near the end of Q1 2010, we are starting to see good early results from Drumbeat and other Mozilla engagement efforts. For example, the first P2PU Open Web course has started and our first Drumbeat local events have took place in Rio and Sao Paulo with a bang. This is in large part due to amazing community members who have already stepped forward to share ideas, lead projects and organize events, especially in Europe and Brasil. More MozFdn March 2010 status update
Quick notes from first Drumbeat events
Recent Drumbeat events in Rio and Sao Paulo provided a good chance to test out our agenda format. Things went well and we sparked some good momentum in Brasil — but there was definitely a great deal of learning on how we can make these events better. I need to synthesize this into the event wiki over the next week or so. In the meantime, here are some quick notes while it’s all fresh in my head: More Quick notes from first Drumbeat events