As announced in another post, we’ve created the Mozilla Open Badges project to tap into the huge potential for badges as a way to incent and recognize learning online. More Open Badges board slides
Open badges: recognizing learning online
Over the last 6 months, the potential of ‘badges’ to incent and recognize learning online has been a hot topic for many of us at Mozilla. More Open badges: recognizing learning online
Mozilla Hackasaurus board slides
The June Mozilla board meeting included extensive discussion of Hackasaurus: a program that teaches kids how to remix the web. More Mozilla Hackasaurus board slides
My Hackasaurus talk in Brussels
Earlier this month, I had a chance to talk about Mozilla’s new Hackasaurus program at TEDx Kids in Brussels. More My Hackasaurus talk in Brussels
Ops update: news on Drumbeat projects
As usual, I’m posting slides from the June Mozilla Foundation board meeting. However, I’m doing it a little differently this time by breaking the slides up into three posts. This post provides an operational update on Mozilla Drumbeat. This will soon be followed by in-depth posts on the open badges and Hackasaurus projects. More Ops update: news on Drumbeat projects
Interview: Susan Crawford on MoJo
I asked open internet activist Susan Crawford what is blowing her mind in the world of online journalism. Continuing on a theme, she said:””I love the way Andy Carvin is serving as a one man band covering the Middle East,” she said. “He’s got video coming in. He’s got people acting as his producers, editors and commentators. That’s blowing my mind.” I asked her to say more: More Interview: Susan Crawford on MoJo
Interview: Boston Globe’s Moriarty
There has been alot of talk on the MoJo list about whether Knight Mozilla fellows will really be able to innovate inside large news orgs. I asked Jeff Moriarty what kind of environment fellows will be landing in at the Boston Globe: “We have reporters and developers working across desks from each other. Everybody is now involved in every platform.” As VP Digital, Jeff has really pushed the integration of journalists and developers. I asked him to say more about how this works: More Interview: Boston Globe’s Moriarty
Interview: @acarvin, twitter, revolution
Riffing on Amanda’s comment on my last post, I decided to ask NPR’s Andy Carvin how he’s been using online conversation to cover recent revolutions in the the Arab world. “I’m using twitter to produce journalism on an open source model,” he said. “I find experts who chime in in a very public fashion. They help me do everything from identifying landmines to translating obscure dialects.” I asked Andy to say more: More Interview: @acarvin, twitter, revolution
Interview: DocumentCloud’s Hickman
I asked DocumentCloud’s Amanda Hickman to respond to the question: “How can we reinvent online news discussions?” “We do a good job getting people to comment on things like the royal wedding. But we all have insights on things like how our city works or where our food comes from,” she said. “News could be doing more to get audiences weighing in on real policy issues like these.” I asked Amanda to say more: More Interview: DocumentCloud’s Hickman
Interview: Schoenborn, news + comments
I asked Knight Foundation web lead Eric Schoenborn about what’s broken with comments, news and the web. He said: “We need to get online discussion past the low common denominator trolls. We need a way to get people who actually care about democracy engaging online.” The second MoJo innovation challenge is all about this: asking developers and designers to re-imagine online discourse around the news. Eric said more: More Interview: Schoenborn, news + comments