Over the last 6 months, the potential of ‘badges’ to incent and recognize learning online has been a hot topic for many of us at Mozilla.
We’re in the early stages of creating the Mozilla Open Badges project to tap into the huge potential here. I’ve done a high level presentation (pdf) on the concept quite a few times recently. Here is a webcast version (19 mins):
As you’ll see from the slides, Open Badges is something we’re doing in close association with partners in the learning innovation space: MacArthur, P2PU, HASTAC, New Youth City Learning, Digital Youth Network and many others.
Open Badges Product Manager Erin Knight wrote this paper providing in depth thinking about badgess and learning. Matt Thompson summarized Erin’s work in a series of simple badge overview documents.
I’ve provided additional planning details in a webcast of the Mozilla board of directors presentation about open badges. You can also get details on the Open Badges Wiki.
I’d love your comments and feedback on the overall concept. It’s still early days — we’re really keen to get input, ways to improve and especially suggestions of badge issuing partners to work with.
Worried that this is very, very US centric. Are there any research showing impact out of the US for this?
While this is not about impact outside the US, it does show some movement in Australia on learning and badges: