I asked open internet activist Susan Crawford what is blowing her mind in the world of online journalism. Continuing on a theme, she said:””I love the way Andy Carvin is serving as a one man band covering the Middle East,” she said. “He’s got video coming in. He’s got people acting as his producers, editors and commentators. That’s blowing my mind.” I asked her to say more:
[vimeo http://vimeo.com/24057921]
Susan is also well known as loud and articulate voice for the open internet. I asked her what the open internet has to offer journalism: “The openness of the internet is the rescue of journalism. The idea that you can speak to audiences without an enormous printing press is the whole point of the internet.”
If you are interested in the connection between the open internet and journalism, you should enter the MoJo challenge. All you have to do to get started is submit your idea.
This is part of series of interviews with people involved in the Knight Mozilla News Innovation Partnership (MoJo). Find out more on the MoJo web site or enter the MoJo news innovation challenge.