It’s been almost three weeks since Barcelona, and we’re still seeing ripples. I’ve got half a dozen email threads open with new friends and collaborators. People keep posting reports, reflections and project ideas. And the #drumbeat Twitter stream is still bubbling. Looking around, I feel awash in possibility.
If there was one thing Drumbeat Festival was successful at, it was sparking the kind of possibility that comes when you bring people from different worlds together.
As with any event, there is a risk that all these new friendships, ideas and good intentions dissipate and fade into thin air. My hope is that this won’t happen with Learning, Freedom and the Web, that we’ve sparked something important and lasting.
For those who were there, I want to throw out a small challenge: do something concrete to follow up on at least one thing that excited you in Barcelona. For some, this may be as simple as emailing or Twitter-following someone you met. For others, it may be reading up on an idea you heard about and then blogging about it. And, for a few of us, it will be starting work on a project or a collaboration sparked at Drumbeat.
The idea is to do something simple, fun and useful to you. And by doing so to contribute to keeping the momentum and figuring out further steps around learning, freedom and the web.
With this in mind, one final encouragement: describe the action you decided to take using a or Twitter update and tag with #drumbeat and #spark. Some fictional tweets based on real things people are doing:
We’re working on a ‘movement markup language’ based on GML #moveml #drumbeat #spark (@nois3lab)
I’ve written a research proposal to help with XRayVisionPowerGoggles #drumbeat #spark (@Empathetics).
If enough of do this, we’ll be able to generate a solid list of things that have happened coming out of Barcelona.
We’ll find a way to recognize and reward the most interesting and impactful Drumbeat follow up actions a few months down the road (I’m open to suggestions on how best to do this). In the meantime, we’re going to set up a way to track these tags on the new Learning, Freedom and the Web site we’re launching over the next couple of days.