March Mozilla Drumbeat Update

Since my last update, we’ve launched a developer version of and held two community events. Also, two of our bootstrap projects have moved beyond planning into roll out — P2PU Open Web is running it’s first course and Web Made Movies has started shooting. As these things unfold, we need more contributors and supporters with a variety of skills — see help wanted list below. Here is the full March update.

Drumbeat Update Picture


Where we need help

  • John Britton from P2PU needs expert advisers for its Open Web Skills curriculum design process. Arun and Blizzard have already agreed to help, but we need a bigger posse.
  • Max Weinstein from is looking for high profile stories of badware experiences and also for web design help.
  • Nicholas Reville and Dean Jansen are looking for volunteers to test their beta prototype for Universal Subtitles. And also suggestions for organizations with video content for translation.
  • Ben Moskowitz is looking for contributors to test and refine their workflow for Let’s Get Video on Wikipedia. And to help identify the most “video deficient” parts of Wikipedia.
  • There are still major gaps and zones of crappiness in the copy. We need volunteer writers, copy editors and illustrators who can help with this.
  • Comment below if you can help with any of this, or contact the project leads directly by saying how you want to help via their Drumbeat page.

Project notes

  • The biggest progress we’re seeing is with the bootstrap projects that we’ve picked to show what we mean by Drumbeat. Makes sense: this is where we’re putting most of our energy for the next couple of months. Notably:
    • P2PU Open Web Career Track -> First course is up and running. Also, work on a competency map (what skills will people learn?) and a peer accreditation framework (how will we know who has learned what?) has started.
    • WebMadeMovie -> Early shooting has started, mostly focused creating a short promo asking people to submit their own videos online. Also, interviews with: Local Motors, Casa da Cultura Digital and Iranian twitter activists. Early work started on ‘future of online video players’ design challenge.
    • Universal Subtitles -> About to start a major fundraising campaign and call for participation with Drumbeat. There is a video demo of the concept up on the Drumbeat site.
    • -> Moving closer to the public launch of it’s badware stories project. As above, looking for high profile people with badware stories to tell at launch time.
  • There are also a number of newer projects gathering steam, including Richard Milewski‘s project for high schools and the Open Video Alliance’s Let’s Get Video on Wikipedia project.

Event notes

  • Our first local events happened in Rio and Sao Paulo in late March. They were good early examples of what we’re looking for with these events:
    • Approximately 40 people showed up for each event.
    • In addition to web and free culture geeks, we also had teachers, artists, filmmakers and others who were new to the ‘open web’ idea. That’s a critical to what we’re aiming for.
    • Discussion was a mix of general discussion about Drumbeat and the open web plus presentations and feedback on specific Drumbeat projects.
  • The Brasil events produced some good media coverage, including a piece on MTV Brasil and an article in the tech section Estadao Sao Paulo (jpeg).
  • The next events are happening in Toronto (April) and Berlin (May). We will be doing a local event organizer training with each of these events. If you want help organizing a Drumbeat event in Europe or North America, we may be able to bring you to this training. Contact me.

Web site notes

The aim with these monthly update posts is to provide a high level overview for people who aren’t deeply involved in Drumbeat. For more detail or to get involved, jump into the Drumbeat wiki and newsgroup.

PS. A question: is this the right level of detail for these posts? Seems like alot, but many people also asking for this info.


  1. Glyn Moody replied on | Reply

    looks right level to me – asking for help also a good idea…

  2. Baptiste replied on | Reply

    right level for me too.

    Looking forward to the next months.

  3. Paul Booker replied on | Reply

    Nicely done.

  4. Tristan replied on | Reply

    I think it’s the right level of info. I’m impressed by the speed of the project. Congrats!

  5. Hazır Web sitesi replied on | Reply

    Your site is really nice

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