The other day, I posted a draft slide deck designed for people who want to give presentations about Drumbeat. I received a bunch of excellent feedback including:
- Clearly explain Mozilla’s mission and explain why Mozilla is doing Drumbeat.
- List some threats to the open web as a rationale for why we need to do Drumbeat.
- Make it snappier.
Here are is the updated presentation and voice over based on these comments. The content is definitely better as a result of the feedback, but it’s still long (12 mins).
You can also watch in open theora video or download a PDF or Open Office version if you want to present this yourself. Email me if you want the Keynote version.
I also did a shorter version with ‘just the basics’ — it drops many of the details at the end describing how Drumbeat will operate. This version runs about 7 mins. You can watch it in open theora video or here:
This shorter version feels a little flat in terms of presentation, but maybe right in terms of snappier and shorter content for a general audience. I’ve put it up for now as the intro video on ‘about’ section of the Drumbeat site, at least until we get something even shorter and better.
As always, comments on how to improve further very much welcomed. I’m especially interested in ideas on how to make the short one even shorter. What could I leave out?
[The first Theora file pretty much locks up my computer, and I get no sound :-(( Firefox 3.6, Ubuntu 9.10. Didn’t try the second one.]
IMO, the “what is the open Internet?” stuff should come before the “Firefox and Drumbeat” stuff.
– Mozilla is about the open internet
– What is the open Internet?
– How does Mozilla promote the open Internet?
Do we want to go down the Zittrain route in the shorter version, or just say “we think”? It allows us to avoid having to explain the “generativity” word, and makes it less “hey, this guy says…”.
Thought: in the second version, this is an introduction to Drumbeat, but you only explain what it’s about starting at 3m 22s (half way through).
For me, the second one’s Flash version suddenly goes silent at 4m29s… 🙁
Also, the slides have a typo on the Zittrain slide – “hackble”. 🙂
Super helpful comments. You can do message and slides QA anytime :).
On the substance: good suggestion re a shorter ‘we want an open web’ section in the mini-version, maybe sans Zittrain.
In order to do that, I think we need at least one killer example re: what the threat is or why people should care. The previous version of these slides lacked this kind of concrete example, and people really saw that as a hole.
So: if we dropped down from the five zittrain examples of ‘why care?’, what example would we use? And, how would we frame it w/o the zittrain setup?
On the tech stuff: there is a new version of the long theora video. Should work now. Lemme know. Strange on the short video. Re-uploading now to see if it fixes.