Describing the open web is tough. Yet, it’s essential if we want to help people understand, participate and take control of their online lives (Drumbeat‘s mission). We’re running a small experiment with this in mind: asking people to give five minute talks on the open web and why it matters.
We kicked off by calling for talks at events in Singapore and India this past week. Here are two of the best talks from Singapore. India talks coming soon.
Presentation #1 is by Coleman Yee, a user experience designer and strategist.
Presentation #2 is by Lucian Teo, a web standards advocate working in the Government of Singapore.
PS. We also asked for talks on possible Drumbeat project ideas. I’ve got a bunch of these from Singapore. Will post over the weekend.
Trouble is, of course, I can’t download these to watch on the plane, because they aren’t Open Video… 🙁 But I agree the audio-synced-to-presentations problem hasn’t really been solved yet. One to add to the list.
If you care about open web technologies, I hope you will try a little bit harder to actually use them, rather than relying on closed technologies like Flash. For example, here’s a nice easy Open Video copy of Lucian’s presentation:
Hey Ben: problem is that hosted site seems to strip out the video tag when you put it in posts. I’m trying to figure out when they are going to change this.
In any case, good to know about service. I am going use that now and provide a link in my posts so at least people have an alternative to the flash.
Thanks for posting these, Mark.
Both presentations are good, but I particularly like Lucian’s because of the way it puts the Open Web in the broader context of human behavior, both by looking to the past (how the web is the successor to the printing press and broadcast media) and the future (how sharing is the best way to solve massive global problems).