The June Mozilla board meeting included extensive discussion of Hackasaurus: a program that teaches kids how to remix the web.
I just put my TEDx Kids presentation on Hackasaurus in another post — this describes the general motivations and the concept behind the project. The board slides in this webcast provide a more detailed picture of our plans:
If you want to flip through quickly, here is a PDF version of these slides. Key highlights from the slides include:
- What: Curriculum + software + community for out-of-school learning on webmaking and digital literacy.
- Long term: Opportunity to create a generation of ‘web makers’ actively participating in Mozilla.
- Status: Promising alpha software + successful events. Partners excited about concept, money lined up.
- Resources: have treated as experiment so far. Need full time product manager / more staff.
Coming out of the board conversation we decided to up-level Hackasaurus to a full scale Drumbeat project. That means we’ll be putting additional resources into the project. We’ll also be hiring a design lead and a product manager.