I asked Mozilla Web Made Movies Lead Brett Gaylor excites him about news and video on the web today. He said: “Open video can help re-establish journalism as the fifth estate.” As the first Knight Mozilla news challenge topic is about video, I asked Brett to say more about this:
Brett riffs on the idea of a ‘wonk-a-pedia’ that uses open video on the web to connect video clips of politicians to their voting records, past positions and so on.
The current MoJo challenge topic is about exactly this question: how can new online video tools transform news storytelling? Tying video snippets to other web content and data. Letting audiences join into the debate. And do on.
If you’re a talented web developer excited about HTML5 video, you should enter this first MoJo news innovation challenge. If you want advice or inspiration, head on over to popcornjs.org or Mozilla’s popcorn IRC channel. Lots of people there who can help you out.
Just think of it: you might end up at BBC, the Guardian or one of our other news partners working on the next big thing in online video. All you have to do to get started is submit your idea.
This post is part of series of interviews with people involved in the Knight Mozilla News Innovation Partnership (MoJo). Find out more about the partnership on the MoJo web site or enter the MoJo news innovation challenge today. I’ve also posted a really simple primer on MoJo.
ciao a tuti bona futuna