I asked Al Jazeera’s Mohamed Nanabhay what excites him about news innovation on the web today. He said: “I’m excited by the sheer velocity of change going on. The web has taken the concept of live news and stretched it to the limit”. As a part of our joint work on the MoJo, I asked Mohamed to say more about this:
Mohammed also talks about the merging of traditional media and social media: a phenomena that has shaped a great deal of the coverage of recent events in the Middle East.
As Mozilla Knight News Innovation partner, Al Jazeera English will be hosting a fellow who will work on web apps that explore this trend. I know that Mohamed is especially interested in fellows who want to work on grassroots reporting, social media and video, which ties into our current MoJo challenge topic.
If you’re a talented web developer or designer, you should enter the MoJo news innovation challenge. Who knows: you might end up at Al Jazeera building the next big web news app.
This post is part of series of interviews with people involved in the Knight Mozilla News Innovation Partnership (MoJo). Find out more about the partnership on the MoJo web site or enter the MoJo news innovation challenge today. I’ve also posted a really simple primer on MoJo.