I did a quick report out on the Drumbeat ‘Learning, Freedom and the Web‘ Festival at last week’s Mozilla Community meeting. Here is a slidecast of the talk:
It’s very much from a Mozilla perspective, so watch it in the light. And also look at some of the other awesome reports. My main points in the talk were:
- The Festival was awesome in terms of energy, diversity and format. People from different worlds (web + learning) became a real community, the connections are still rippling.
- It was a great chance to demo the ‘Drumbeat formula’ -> passionate people + creative hackers = cool shit for the web. Hackfests at Drumbeat created new WebMadeMovies demos and P2PU School of Webcraft app prototypes.
- We added rocket fuel to the work of some amazing innovators in the world of learning and education. There are at least five new web + learning projects coming out of Drumbeat, looks like more.
Of course, not everything went perfectly in Barcelona. The good news: we’re going to do it again next year, probably with a different theme. I’ll post soon with thoughts on next year including what we can do better.
Ps. The slidecast above comes from awesome HTML5 slide tools made by Paul Rouget and Autl Varma. You can see original slides here.
PPS. I promise not to say ‘awesome’ again for another 3 months. 🙂
Thank you 🙂
Off-topic: the OGG video did not work in Firefox, it did stream properly in Opera (running on Ubuntu). From what I was able to find its a server configuration issue ( http://bit.ly/eUjHGw ) – which may be affecting other WordPress hosted blogs!
Very interested in seeing the slide deck and learning more, but unable to get it to work :/