This month’s status update is focused on the question: ‘where next for Drumbeat?‘ There has been good conversation on this topic over the last few weeks — first on my blog and in the Drumbeat newsgroup (thanks to everyone who commented!) and then in a recent MozFdn board meeting (slidecast below).
The general consensus seems to be: Drumbeat is finding a solid footing as it does projects like Web Made Movies and School of Webcraft. Keep going on this track, use it to show what Mozilla can be beyond the browser. On the flip side, we haven’t yet found big new ways to build participation. Drumbeat (and all of Mozilla) need to focus on this in 2011.
My status update slidecast focuses on these two themes of a) diverse and b) large scale participation:
Concretely, what does this mean in terms of goals for 2011? We are looking at two main areas to focused based on the conversations so far:
Goal 1: Diverse Mozilla community. Build on Drumbeat.
Show what Mozilla can be and do beyond the browser.
6+ big projects, open innovation program, major events.
Goal 2: Bigger community. Test ‘join Mozilla’ program.
Many people involved beyond just using Firefox.
Also: continue Drumbeat and Parks engagement.
There are a more details in the slides — but it’s all pretty high level. It’s also still very much open to debate and feedback. So, please share your comments here or in the Drumbeat newsgroup. We’re going to dig deeper into planning around these goals over the next two months, so your ideas and involvement help a ton.
PS. You can grab this PDF or video of the slides above if you want.