I just had a fun breakfast with Simona Levi from ExGAE/ / oXcars. What I learned: Learning, Freedom and the Web isn’t the only interesting thing happening in Barcelona two months from now. There are at least seven open internet / open education / free culture events happening over the span of 10 days.
Between October 28 and November 6, Barcelona will host: the 2000 person oXcars free culture festival; the Free Culture Forum; the P2PU summit; Open Education 2010; Drumbeat Learning, Freedom and the Web; an open ed play day in the Raval; and possibly a Communia meeting. Phew.
We should find a way to shout and promote all of this. Barcelona will be the global epicentre of free culture / open education / open web stuff for 10 days this fall! We need a phrase or a name for it. ‘10 days of freedom‘? ‘Barcelona abierto‘? Not sure, but Simona and I agreed to call out for suggestions. If you have ideas, post them below.
PS. goes w/o saying -> book an extended trip to Barcelona if you can.
That´s why I love this city. If you want you can go to one event every day. Maybe I do a 21 days of events marathon once.
Like your idea of creating a concept about this. sure there are more events in this time. You could also do it for 1 month. all events would win from such a cooperation which wouldn´t be a lot of extra work. depending what you want to do.
Our WebBar Event would join to and adapt with e.g. talks/presentations about free web culture/open internet etc. Or provide you a space/location/network etc. Could also imagine helping you personally from my side if you want. I´m very altruistic to say no to the whole “open” topic.
One name I like beside your suggestion
– OpenBarcelona! 10 days of freedom
(nice logo would be makint the barce10na (l -> 1) for the 10 days. “open” is more international than “abierto”)
thanks for the summmary, nice to see even more events.
let me know
Personally I’d support “Barcelona Libre” or similar, as “libre” is a Spanish word widely known due to the “free/libre” software. https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Libre#Libre
A shared timetable / calendar for these similar things going on in different parts of the city would be very helpful (specially a nice, downloadable and cheap paper version 🙂