People and ideas are falling into place for the Drumbeat ‘Learning, Freedom and the Web’ Festival taking place in Barcelona this fall. We released an updated web page with highlights last week:
I’m particularly excited about the unusual learning meets the web mashups in the works. Hackerspace folks sharing what they know with radical librarians to create new neighborhood learning spaces. Web developers working with textbook remixers to find better ways to teach open tech. People at the cutting edge of online identity and online learning fusing their tech together. These are all things that will happening in Barcelona.
For those who haven’t yet heard of this event, this is our first annual Mozilla Drumbeat Festival. We’ll do a different theme each year. This year the theme is ‘learning, freedom and the web’. We’re describing the event this way:
The open nature of the internet is revolutionizing how we learn. Mozilla’s 2010 Drumbeat Festival will gather teachers, learners and technologists from around the world who are at the heart of this revolution. It’s not your typical conference. Imagine a folk festival combined with a teach in with a dash of outstanding oratory thrown in for good measure. Join us in Barcelona for three days of making, teaching, hacking, inventing and shaping the future of education and the web.
The updated site gives you a quick overview of people and activities that have been confirmed. You can also check out the (ever changing) program wiki if you want more detail.
We’ll announce more confirmations and content every few days starting late next week. If you’ve got ideas to add into the mix, feel free to add them onto the sandbox wiki page or post comments below. We’ll also be putting out a bigger call for ideas towards the end of the month.
If you want to attend, sign up for updates on the web page. We’ll be send out an announcement as soon as registration opens (target: August 25). If you want to volunteer, contact me directly or comment below.
I’d be interested in volunteering. You can contact me at : bruant [at] ipb [DOT] fr