Drumbeat Toronto poster

We have a hot-off-the-digital-presses poster for Drumbeat Toronto, which is happening in a little over a week. Please post, share and hack this poster if you’re in Toronto (and make sure to register for the event as well). If you’re organizing a Drumbeat event elsewhere, feel free to rip off any or all of the bits from this poster.

I’ve posted PNG and PDF versions of the poster for people who just want to print and run. There is also a ZIP file with most of the elements so you can combine in your own software. I’m also hoping to get the original InDesign files as well.

Update: I’ve just added an InDesign file and a PSD file for anyone who can use them. Thanks to Brendan Watson for great and timely work on this.


  1. John Britton replied on | Reply
  2. Sarah Doherty replied on | Reply

    Hi Mark,

    Just wanted to say that this poster is too cool. Was thinking of even remixing this in my spare time without an event name and location and just posting them around to get people excited about Drumbeat. What do you think?

  3. msurman replied on | Reply

    Sarah. Love it! Love it! Love it! Please do. Let me know if I can help.

    1. Sarah Doherty replied on | Reply

      The InDesign files would be awesome. Let me know when they are up!

  4. Sarah Doherty replied on | Reply

    Just made “generic” posters in English and Spanish that you can use to drum up excitement for Drumbeat! I have everything written up on my blog: http://www.sarahdoherty.net/blog/2010/04/23/hack-this-poster-hackea-este-afiche/

  5. Natalie MacLean replied on | Reply

    Terrific blog Mark! I’ve got your bookmarked now. Would you please shoot me an e-mail when you have a moment?



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  6. siyamadi replied on | Reply

    just update……broo

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