It’s hard to believe that I’m now entering my second full year at Mozilla. Year one was both enlivening and humbling: mind blowingly smart people; cool and useful projects experiments; and a ton of new ideas and learning. Much of this great energy flowed into Drumbeat, which will be the main focus of Mozilla Foundation during 2010. It also helped the Foundation team clarify our thinking on telling the Mozilla story and supporting the broader community. We’ve got a clear and crisp plan for the year ahead.
This coming year, I’m going to use video and slides to provide Mozilla Foundation status updates. Here is the first 2010 status update, which is focused on our plans for the coming year.
You can also view this in open video (ogg theora) and download the slide deck (PDF).
As with the text status updates I was provided last year, the video and slides offer slightly shorter version of the info presented at our most recent board meeting. I’ll continue to provide these updates every two months, following the board meeting schedule. Comments on both the content and this new format welcomed.
It’s good that you’re providing an OGG version, but why not go one step further and use HTML5 video?
Yeah, totally should be HTML5 video. Problem is that hosted version of videopress doesn’t allow this — only host-your-own-version (afik). I’ve got mail into people to find out when this will change.
Is there any sort of timeline when for when the local events will start happening? I’d be interested in getting one going in NYC.
John: planning to start local events rolling in March. Will be posting in the next week or so w/ draft framework to get feedback.
I like the style, in fact I’m going to recommend a friend of mine start to do things like this to encourage him to post more often to his blog.
For the deck itself I like how it does a good job of statement simply and clearly those few key points in as far as direction.
Looking forward to the next one.