On One Web Day, we want to spread ‘i <3 the web’ posters all over the planet. We’ve received some great community designs for this campaign. To pick the top three posters, we need you to vote and comment on the designs below.
As context, the idea is for people to share a picture of themselves with the poster, something like this:
The goal: get huge numbers of pictures like this up on Flickr to get people thinking about how precious the web is. We want a page describing the campaign live by mid-week. Please vote today (Monday) by indicating which poster you like most by commenting on this post.

My preference goes to #2 (but #1 is very close, then #3).
Easily #2. #4 would be much better without the “LOLcat” style text.
I predict that this comment will not help, but here it is anyway:
Design #5 — I love it. Really clever, but not everyone is going to get it.
Design #3 — Probably my favourite visually.
Design #1 — My favourite conceptually, at least as it relates to a broad market. Very smart.
I like 2 and 3, but 2 seems easier to localize
I like #3 the most, but would probably like it even more if the circles in the heart were shades of red.
#2 and #4 are close runners up, though.
Why not take all? There are all great… 🙂
I love different aspects of #1, #3 and #5, but I think that #4 has the highest chance of being successful for this campaign (e.g. actually getting many people to post pictures of themselves with it to flickr), so that one gets my vote.
#2 it’s my vote
hands down
highlighting network nodes + illustrating connectivity = great concept
plus it’s pretty
I like item 3 (esp if it is read) and i really like the heart from design 4
I’m not sure who the audience is for this.
For most people, I think that Design 2 is really the best. I love the designs 3 and 5 but I don’t think that non-techies are gonna get it. It even took me a second to figure out what design 2 was. Design 1 is my second choice, but I really like design 2. It’s super eye catching and really simple. Nice work!
#2, it’s the poster that will look best from a distance and in photos.
I love design #3. A little color in it – red in the heart, may be – will make it stand out in pictures.
i meant #2… although number 3 is also lovely
vote for #2, then #3, then #1
#3!! But I wish it told me more, like the date, and the reason we love the web so much. So runner up is #2 because it answers all those questions and is cute.
the only one i undestood “at a glance” (my 14 ms ping glance) is number 1
I am so nerdy it took me 10 seconds to figure out what “I less than 3 the web” (design #2) really meant…
I really love the details in the heart of design #1, but agree that the call to action in design #2 is more effective. Could the two be combined?
I like #2 the most… it’s bold, has good info, and a call to action that stands out.
#3 is cool too, great concept. I think it could be the winner if we add some color.
#2 imho
#4 with #2 being a close second. Strong, simple, colorful! They will be recognizable when used as a small part of a bigger photo.
Design #3
I favorite #1.
And I wanna have #5, but I gotta get the source first (w/out typing, please?) to see if I like the resulting page.
#2 & #3 (although 3 could use some color)
Number 5, hands down!
#3 by a mile.
Love the design #3.
Design #5 could be written in HTML5!
One Web Day Poster
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(“MSIE 6”)>=0) {
// You don’t love the web just yet
window.location = ‘http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/’;
font:normal normal bold 60px/60px Tahoma,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;
I <3 the web
Comment box jacked some of the code, but you get the idea…
As Designed (+ coded) by the magnificent Thomas Cheng of The Movement.
I like #2.
#2, but #1 is nice too
I think they are all great! As much as I love #5 I don’t think it offers the best visual stimulation needed by the general public.
I will have to go with #2
WINNER ~ #2 (AKA my vote)
second ~ #5
third ~ #1
fourth ~ #3
fifth ~ #4
how moronic to follow these idiots on their ill-thought-out plan to destroy the planet just to feed their overinflated egos!
Design #1
Winner #2
and #4 being a close second
I love the simplicity and creativity of #2 and the colorfulness of #4.