What’s up w/ MozFdn – September Update

Here is a brief status update that I shared with the Mozilla Foundation board earlier this week. This report is based on team goals outlined here.

Over the summer, the major focus has been on fleshing out program ideas for 2010, especially : Mozilla Drumbeat and expand programs in areas like education, accessibility and media. Other highlights included:

September and October will continue to focus on Drumbeat and 2010 program planning, as well as executing first fundraising and engagement experiments tied to One Web Day and Mozilla Service week. Efforts to update content for the renewed www.mozilla.org are also underway.


2009 team goal: develop a small handful of programs that go beyond software as a way to promote Mozilla’s mission (e.g. education).

  • While Seneca activities mostly on hold for the summer, Mozilla Education programming continued in Europe and online:
    • Mozilla summer course on at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid started in July. Over 200 students applied, 28 accepted from Spain, Ukraine, France and India.
    • education.mozilla.org wiki expanded significantly to include new materials requested by  professors joining Mozilla Education this fall.
    • 15 professors in 6 countries slated to be running Mozilla Education activities this fall.
  • Mozilla joined the steering committee of the Open Video Alliance, and provided a $15k grant to get the organization on its feet. Grant matched by Kaltura.com to total $30k.
    • Initial activities include an HTML 5 video contest and demo project with the director of RIP:A Remix Manifesto showing the participatory potential of open video.
  • Assessment of 2009 programs plus 2010 planning underway (see below).


2009 team goal: dramatically increase awareness of Mozilla’s mission and public benefit nature amongst the broader public.

  • New version of www.mozilla.org launched in August. Response has been positive.
    • Further work on Mozilla Foundation content on mozilla.org happening in Q4, with additional mozilla.org web development work being planned for 2010.
  • Fundraising and engagement efforts ramped up over the summer, including:
    • First fundraising and engagement campaign built around One Web Day.
    • New online fundraising database under development, slated to launch mid-September.
    • Content being developed to increase likelihood of donations from high traffic Mozilla sites. Main effort a new ‘Get Involved’ page with strong donation ask.
    • Full fundraising and engagement plan being developed as part of Drumbeat.
  • Working closely with One Web Day to raise profile of open web as a public asset.
  • Mozilla Service Week still slated for September September 14 – 21.
    • MoFo team focused on promotion plus developing ‘campaign templates’ to increase participation. Includes: internet health audit and social media training campaigns.
    • As of September 8, over 8,400 hours of service pledged. Target is 10,000 hours.
  • Mark delivered keynote at OSCON in July on building a movement of people to steward the open web. This set the context for blog discussions about Drumbeat.


2009 team goal: improve the Foundation’s ability to support, strengthen and grow the Mozilla community.

  • Progress on backlog of governance issues. Focus so far: commit access policies and issues relating to Mozilla-wide weekly meetings.
  • Bugzilla innovation project scoped in July. Gerv will create API to make it easier for others in the community to build UIs to adapt Bugzilla to their needs. Development starting now.

Organizational Development

2009 team goal: consolidate and strengthen the Foundation team, and develop a long term vision that clarifies the Foundation’s role within Mozilla.

  • July Mozilla Foundation face to face team meeting focused on 2010 planning, especially Mozilla Drumbeat (Mark) and on possible ‘strategy 1’ programs (Frank).
  • Extensive Mozilla Drumbeat blogging and discussions over the summer, feeding into a concrete plan October board retreat. All available on public wiki.
  • Research and planning on other programs including slightly expanded Mozilla Education and possible new ‘Mozilla Media’ effort building around open video.
  • Also, reviewing what we’re calling Mozilla Core, basic MoFo roles and services that touch all of Mozilla. Developing a plan re: how to resource and improve for 2010.

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